Over 83% of Passport’s school-based Seniors enroll in post-secondary education each year, and 81% persist in college from year to year.
Students are currently experiencing Passport at the following schools:
- Boston Community Leadership Academy
- Brighton High School
- Charleston High School
- Dearborn STEM Academy
- East Boston High School
- The English High School
- Jeremiah E. Burke High School
- Josiah Quincy Upper School
- Margarita Muniz Academy

For the past four years, [our Passport Coach] has provided invaluable guidance, nurturing, and support to my juniors and seniors. Through field trips, workshops, and one-on-one consultations, she has truly demystified the admission process, helped reduce financial-aid stress, and motivated countless kids to pursue their dreams of going to college.
Christopher Leone, East Boston High School Teacher
What does it look like?
The Boston HERC partners with non-exam, under resourced Boston Public high schools. Partner schools place students in Passport classes who are interested in exploring college, and would benefit from additional coaching support. Passport Coaches collaborate closely with school counselors, teachers, and other partners to ensure students are supported to succeed.
First-generation college graduate Coaches from HERC’s staff lead cohorts of students during Passport class time, as well as provide individual support outside of the classroom.
The in-house designed Passport curriculum was created by first-generation college graduates and BPS educators for first-generation Boston Public Schools students. See more here.
College Visits
All Passport students from 9th to 12th grade have the opportunity to visit college campuses inside and outside of the city with Passport. These visits allow younger students to begin envisioning themselves in a higher education environment and allow older students to have a more informed decision making process.

I thought my Coach was just going to help me with applications, and she did do that. She helped me make my scholarship essays the best they could be, and I earned $6K in private scholarships. But she did a lot more than that. She became a friend and mentor. I can talk to her about anything.
Anita Wong, Passport Graduate from Josiah Quincy Upper School
The HERC/Passport partnership far surpassed the support normally offered by partners. Our Passport Coach offers direct classroom support as well as worked with individual students outside of class time, reinforcing 21st Century skills that are vital to our community of learners.
Dr. Dania Vasquez, Margarita Muñiz Academy Headmaster