Whatever your skill and experience set, there is a place for you to give back at the Boston HERC! Volunteers coach youth in classrooms, participate in career exploration nights, design print materials, photograph events, and more.
Do you know people who care about education and first generation youth? Host a gathering at your home (or other location) to introduce them to Boston HERC. You invite the friends and have fun with some snacks, and Boston HERC provides a short casual presentation and facilitates discussion.
Do you work somewhere that could provide additional opportunities to Passport students? You can partner to provide opportunities for students to have summer experiences, internships, college weeks, and more.
Do you have a working laptop you no longer use? Or work somewhere that is updating their laptops? We would love to take these off your hands to give personal laptops to students entering college who do not yet have enough access to computers.
Join the 125+ philanthropic partners powering the Passport program to equip first generation youth to thrive in college.
Reach out to Erin Diaz, Director of Operations, at ediaz@bostonherc.org for more information about these opportunities.